Healthy Families Florida Strategic Plan 2017 - 2020
Promoting Positive Parent-Child Relationships and Family Self-sufficiency
All of Florida’s children thrive in healthy, safe, stable and nurturing home environments, now and in future generations.
Preventing abuse, promoting healthy child development and empowering families to be self-sufficient through individualized parent coaching and support.
- Parents and caregivers have the resources, knowledge and skills to create safe, stable and nurturing home environments.
- Lead agencies and staff receive training and strength-based technical assistance, guided by a continuous quality improvement process that assures consistently effective services.
- Healthy Families Florida expands and enhances services to serve expectant and new parents who want and need services.
- Improve home visit completion rates and family retention
- Recruit, train and retain highly qualified staff
- Increase involvement of fathers in HFF services
- Enhance training and resources to address common risk factors, promote protective factors and improve self-sufficiency
- Enhance training and technical assistance opportunities for sites and staff
- Conduct Continuous Quality Improvement Groups and Learning Collaboratives to improve practice
- Collect, analyze and use data for quality assurance, program planning, implementation and evaluation
- Maintain national accreditation
- Pilot and evaluate counseling and behavioral healthcare services for at-risk families
- Promote strong partnerships at the state and local levels to coordinate and improve services
- Expand HFF Training Institute to increase revenue and promote best practices
- Expand funding for HFF services and enhancements